言葉と音楽で独自の世界を紡ぐureshica日常と自然とを織り混ぜた詩と、囁くように優しく透明な歌で、絵画的とも言える情景を描き出す。これまでにイギリス出身の画家ブライアン・メイソンとの共著として、絵本『ありくんとじかんくん』(2021年、The Art of Bryan Mason刊)ほか、二つの詩画集を発表。音楽活動においては2017年よりたびたび演奏会を行い、2022年初頭からはギタリスト/プロデューサーのsho hamadaをサポートに迎えた活動を開始。hamadaとのコラボレーションにより新しく生まれた作品を含む初のアルバム『whispers on the lake』を2022年10月にリリース。この度,2024年5月に『hommage』を発表.
A production project by eiko kudo, who weaves her own world with words and music.
With her poetry that springs from everyday life and nature, and her voice as soft and transparent as a whisper, she depicts scenes that could be described as picturesque.
She has co-authored the picture book "Ari-kun to Jikan-kun" (The Art of Bryan Mason, 2021) with British artist Bryan Mason, as well as two collections of poems and drawings.
In her musical activities, she has been performing live regularly since 2017, and has been actively collaborating with guitarist/producer sho hamada since early 2022.
Her first album "whispers on the lake", which includes new works created in collaboration with hamada, was be released in October 2022.
This time, ureshica was released " hommage " in May 2024.
it’s a hauntingly beautiful piece of art-
- henning schimet